In-Depth Case Study​​​​​​​

Project Brief: Quiet Jungle is a meditation and mental wellness app for children ages 4-13. This case study explores the branding and UX/UI development of a meditation and mental wellness app for children, based on surveys, interviews, and user-based research.

Thesis: Children need effective tools to identify and manage their emotions in a healthy manner, establishing positive mental health habits that benefit them both now and in the future. An application designed for young users should be concise, calming, and relatable to support this development.

Role: Primary researcher, brand designer, UI designer.
Data & Research
Conducting surveys and interviews enabled me to understand my users' needs and how to meet them effectively. Survey responses from 18 local parents, teachers, and other child caregivers revealed the primary concerns the app should address. These concerns include communication and problem-solving skills, education on self-care, and the accessibility of alternative solutions such as children's counseling. Research confirms my hypothesis that, overall, there is a a gap in addressing meditation and self-care skills for children.

Additionally, designing an infographic from this data allowed me to experiment with colors and branding.
User Personas
Identifying who my ideal users were helped me consider how my design could be engaging, yet calming for kids.
The Mood

An exploration of a visual style that would engage my users while also creating a calming, meditative ambience for a young target audience.

For my low & mid-fidelity wireframes, I focused on a simple layout that was easy to navigate, while still being inviting to a younger audience. I wanted to focus on imagery and illustration to accomplish this.
Final Interface

Design solutions implemented:

✦ Engaging screens to catch and keep user interest
✦ Simple icons and navigation
✦ Emotive and calming illustrations
✦ Filters to simplify search and navigation
Customization to suit user needs